Meet the Governors
Every maintained school has a governing body. It comprises of: Parent Governors; parents elected by other parents at the school Staff Governors; teachers elected by their colleagues Local Authority Governors; people appointed by the County Council and usually, the Headteacher. They may also include representatives from the support staff, a church, charitable trust or business …
What We Do
We work as a team. We are responsible for making sure that Kingswood Nursery School provides a good quality education. Raising educational standards in school is now a key priority. This has the best chance of happening when there are high expectations of what pupils can achieve. We promote effective ways of teaching and learning …
Our Responsibilities
The Headteacher is responsible for the day-to-day management of the school. Our role as the Governing Body is to provide strategic management, and to act as a “critical friend”, supporting the work of the Headteacher and other staff. We are responsible to parents, the community and the County Council. The governing body’s main responsibility is …
Governor Profiles
Peter Williams Co Chair of Governors and Health and Safety Governor I serve as Director of the Family Education Trust (a charitable research institute) and as a Media & Communications Advisor for the Anscombe Bioethics Centre in Oxford, having devoted just over a decade of my career to working as a human rights campaigner, …
Contact the Governors
We are always very happy to talk to anyone about our role as Governors, but also to hear your views and suggestions. Please do feel free to contact us via the school office on 01923 672531 or email and one of us will get back to you as soon as possible.