Nursery and Pre-School are open term time only from 8.30am – 3pm.
We have extensive grounds, delightful classrooms and well qualified, dedicated and caring staff who offer first hand experiences within a rich and varied curriculum. We have excellent partnerships with parents and carers and work with outside professionals to ensure that every child is treated as a unique individual catering for their personal needs.
- Kingswood Nursery Brochure (833.64KB)
The Nursery offers 15 hours of free education to children who are 3 and 4 years of age, the term after their 3rd birthday. Parents can chose a morning (8.30 – 11.30am) or afternoon (12 – 3pm) place. In addition sessions can be extended through our lunch club (11.30am – 12pm) and through additional 3 hour sessions, allowing your child to stay all day.
Kingswood Nursery is also able to offer 30 hours childcare for those who are eligible as part of the DfE 30 hour trial.
- Price Increases - January 2021 (137.32KB)
- 2 year old funding - Information for Parents (146.25KB)
The Pre-School can take children from 2 years of age. You can choose the number of sessions you would like your child to attend, though we do stipulate a minimum of three, which enables your child to get to know the setting, the routines and the staff. Pre-School charges are listed on our applications forms for 2 & 3 year olds.
Our Pre-School accepts childcare vouchers and 2 and 3 year old free funding.
2 year old free funding is subject to certain criteria (see information sheets), but all 3 year old children, the term after third birthday, are entitled to 15 hours of free education a week. Many of the children attending Pre-School choose to move into our Nursery when the time comes.