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In our most recent Ofsted inspection (20th April 2023) Kingswood Nursery School was judged to be ‘Outstanding’.

Nursery and Pre-School

We were delighted to be judged as “Outstanding” across all areas.

The ‘Summary of key findings for parents and pupils’:

This is an outstanding school.

  • Kingswood Nursery is a special place to learn. Children are happy and they learn very well because they greatly enjoy all the stimulating and exciting activities.
  • The headteacher leads the school community with passion and skill. Her expectations for excellence are shared by senior staff and governors. As a result of excellent leadership, the quality of teaching is outstanding.
  • Staff love their work and are a highly effective team. They are reflective practitioners, who welcome new ideas and are keen to try them out.
  • Teachers base their planning on an accurate understanding of children’s needs and interests. Staff are skilful in extending children’s learning by using questioning and discussion very effectively to develop children’s understanding. This contributes to their outstanding achievement.
  • Children thrive because of the strong focus on care and nurture. They are known and valued as individuals; because of this they feel secure and have high levels of confidence and self esteem.
  • Children behave exceptionally well. They come into school eagerly and have excellent attitudes to learning. They maintain high levels of concentration and perseverance, both inside and out of doors, in the exceptionally well resourced learning environment.
  • Leaders work hard to develop very positive relationships with parents who are unanimously supportive of the school. This ensures that the home-school partnership is integral to the children’s exceptional achievement.
  • All children make excellent progress in their learning relative to their starting points. Almost all children are reaching, and many are exceeding, age-related expectations by the time they leave Kingswood Nursery.
  • Leaders rightly identify that some boys and disadvantaged children, while making excellent progress from their starting points, do not attain as highly as their peers in literacy.

Ofsted Inspection Report

Being judged as ‘Outstanding’ is a significant achievement and I am extremely proud to lead a wonderful team who are deeply committed to the school and to ensuring that ‘children are at the heart of everything we do’.  All staff and governors have been highly praised for their commitment and determination to ensure every child succeeds. Working in partnership with parents was noted as a significant strength of the school.  During the inspection the parent community came together brilliantly to support our school, for which we are very grateful. The children were an absolute credit and delighted the inspector with their passion for learning and sense of adventure!

Parent View

Parent View - Give Ofsted your view on your child's schoolWe would like to encourage all our parents to spend five minutes rating our setting on the Ofsted Parent View website. Please click on the image to register your views and read how other parents have rated us.