I can make links in my learning to deepen my understanding of the world.
We want our children to leave by being able to:
Engage in structured learning, that is not of their choosing.
Notice and compare quantities, size, weight and capacity in their play.
Uses ways to measure in their play e.g. how many children will fit in a cardboard box.
Know that there are up to 5 objects in a group without counting (subitise).
Continue and copy a pattern.
Remember and recall detailed information and previous learning.
How will we know children can do this?
Talk about their observations in both made and natural environments.
Independently access resources and literature to develop a greater understanding of their new learning.
Communicate these interests at school and home.
How can parents and carers help?
Read, and look at non-fiction books together.
Point out features in the world around them i.e. seasonal changes, local building works, tiny plants growing in cracks in the wall, sorting the recycling.
Talk about past events ‘Do you remember when…?’ Photos can support this!
Find different ways to achieve the same outcome i.e. building a tower, cutting a sandwich into 4 in different ways.
Incorporate counting into your daily routine, number of stairs in the the house, numbers on your front door etc.
Play games with a dice such as simple board games, actions according to number rolled, list of things to talk about.