
Our 5 Ways to Wow! Curriculum

Kingswood Nursery School is a unique and special place with a wonderful community spirit; our ambitious curriculum is organised to ensure that ALL the children at Kingswood aim high, enabling them to be confident and capable learners in the next phase of their education, and conscientious citizens of the future. Key learning experiences are delivered …

5 Ways to Wow: I can converse.

I use an extensive vocabulary to add detail to my explanations and observations. We want our children to leave by being able to: Use vocabulary that reflects the breadth of their experiences. Use subject specific vocabulary when observing, and explaining facts (vocab including positional language, times of day, mathematical language, concepts and beliefs, describe locations, …

5 Ways to Wow: I care.

I have a positive sense of self so that I can independently participate in a small group, and the wider community. We want our children to leave by being able to: Fasten shoes and coat. Form relationships with their peers. Talk about people they know, what they see and how they are feeling.  Aware of …

5 Ways to Wow: I make connections.

I can make links in my learning to deepen my understanding of the world. We want our children to leave by being able to: Engage in structured learning, that is not of their choosing. Notice and compare quantities, size, weight and capacity in their play. Uses ways to measure in their play e.g. how many …

5 Ways to Wow: I am creative.

  I relish participating in stories, music, songs or rhymes, and I use materials both imaginatively and with a purpose. We want our children to leave by being able to: Begin to recognise familiar letters or words e.g. letters in their name, familiar names and shop signs. Hold a pencil effectively. Write some recognisable letters. …

5 Ways to Wow: I am confident.

I can take risks, stay safe and willingly engage in new experiences. We want our children to leave by being able to: Demonstrate confidence to have a go and try new things. Be adventurous and confident in their physical play.  Navigate the wildwood structure and dismount safely and confidently.  Begin to understand and use the …

The Early Years Foundation Stage

The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) documents the statutory requirement for young children’s development and learning, and outlines the knowledge, skills and understanding children should have acquired at the end of their Reception school year. There are seven areas of learning and development: Prime Areas which children need to access other learning Communication and Language …