Return to Governors

Meet the Governors

Every maintained school has a governing body.  It comprises of:

  • Parent Governors; parents elected by other parents at the school
  • Staff Governors; teachers elected by their colleagues
  • Local Authority Governors; people appointed by the County Council
  • and usually, the Headteacher.

They may also include representatives from the support staff, a church, charitable trust or business interests, and the local community. The Governing Body are led by the Chair, supported by a Vice Chair.  Governors are unpaid volunteers appointed for a (renewable) maximum term of four years.  The governing body usually meets at least once every half term.

All governors have declared no conflict of interests.

Name Category Appointing Body Term of Office Roles & Responsibilities Meeting Attendance 2022-2023
Mick Martindale Co-opted Governing Body 4 years from 7th May 2019 Health and Safety



1/3 attended
Clare Macdonald Head Teacher N/A N/A Head Teacher 3/3 attended
Julie McLennan Staff Governor Staff 2 years from 5th September 2020 Staff Representative 3/3  attended
Peter Williams
(Co-Chair of Governors)
Co-Opted Governor Appointed by GB 4 Years from 23rd June 2020 Health and Safety 3/3  attended
Samantha Howarth    (Co-Chair of Governors)


Parent Governor Appointed by Parents 2 Years from 25th Nov 2021


Teaching and Learning 3/3  attended
Akhlaq Shah Co Opted Governor Appointed by Governing Body 2 Years from 22 Sep 2022  Finance




3/3 attended
Benedicta Apeh-Odiase Parent Governor Appointed by Governing Body (no other nominees) 4 years from 1 Oct 2023 Safeguarding
Susan Parritt Co Opted Governor Appointed by Governing Body 4 years from 14th Nov 2023 Equality and SEND